How to Train Explosiveness for Volleyball

by Mississauga Volleyball Research Team

Volleyball is a sport that requires explosive power. Volleyball players often need to make explosive movements during the game. That’s the reason why an athlete should build strength and try to increase speed for volleyball.

The game of volleyball itself is very fast. Athletes have to watch to the game, react to it and move explosively when it’s necessary to relocate on the court quickly. An athlete uses explosiveness to block the attacks of the opposing team or hit the ball forcefully. A volleyball player has to train explosiveness in order to jump high in the air and hit the ball more forcefully when such a need arises.

It’s incredibly important to train explosiveness for volleyball regularly. Today, we are going to dig deeper into explosive training for volleyball. We’ll describe the best ways of training explosiveness for volleyball and provide effective training tips to help you get the best possible results.    

So, let’s get started.   

Explosive Power in Volleyball

Explosive power allows athletes to produce force quickly when such a need arises. Explosive power is a combination of strength and speed. It’s important to know that many sports require explosiveness. Volleyball is no exception. The situations when volleyball players have to make explosive movements often arise during the game.

Volleyball players use explosive power to jump high in the air and hit the ball with power. When jumping, volleyball players should use the power of legs to make an explosive action and jump as high as possible. Volleyball hitting also requires explosive power. When hitting, a volleyball player should move the hitting arm towards the ball and send the ball on the opposite side of the court with power.

It’s incredibly important to develop explosive power in volleyball. Every volleyball player should work on explosiveness. It’s necessary to do explosive volleyball training regularly.     

Explosive Volleyball Training

It goes without saying that increasing explosiveness needs to be the number one priority for every volleyball player. It’s necessary to develop an effective strategy of building explosive strength that works well for volleyball.

Following such a strategy allows volleyball players to be more explosive on the court. Explosive volleyball training is focused on building strength and improving quickness. Volleyball players should develop upper body explosiveness as well as explosiveness in legs.

It’s possible to develop explosiveness for volleyball in a number of different ways. It would be better to get familiar with the most effective exercises that volleyball players have to do to develop explosiveness.

Jump Squats

Squats are an effective way to train upper body explosiveness. Squats are an explosive movement. Such an exercise requires strength and power. Jump squats require more explosiveness. So, it’s more challenging to do jump squats.

Volleyball players should use more explosive power to do jump squats. However, the exercises of this type allow volleyball players to develop explosiveness more effectively. It’s also important to note that jump squats have a positive effect on overall fitness and endurance.     

Box Jumps

Jumps are the exercises that allow volleyball players to develop explosiveness in legs. Box jumps are a good jumping exercise for volleyball. A volleyball player uses explosive power to jump from floor on a box.

Jumps help volleyball players strengthen the muscles of their legs. Doing the exercise of this type helps volleyball players build powerful legs. Those volleyball players, who do jumps regularly, can generate power and build explosive strength successfully over time.

It’s worth noting that doing box jumps delivers multiple significant benefits to volleyball players. Doing box jumps make it possible for volleyball players to build lower body strength, help increase the height of a vertical jump and improve the performance for volleyball. On top of that, box jumps allow volleyball players to improve body balance.      

Medicine Ball Throws

It’s no surprise that medicine ball is widely used in volleyball training. The help of a medicine ball is immeasurable in the process of training explosiveness for volleyball. Volleyball players should include medicine ball throws in a training program. A volleyball player can do this exercise with a partner or against the wall. It’s important to know that medicine ball throws are incredibly important for volleyball hitters. A volleyball player should always aim to hit a ball forcefully and precisely. And of course, a hard-driven hit is difficult to resist.      

Plyometric Push-ups

Plyometric push-ups are used by athletes in different sports. The exercise of this type has to be a part of volleyball player’s training program. Plyometric push-ups allow volleyball players to strengthen the muscles of abs, chest, shoulders and triceps.

It’s necessary to do plyometric push-ups quickly. So, try to do the exercise of this type as quickly as possible. By doing so, volleyball players can get the most out of the exercise. If you do plyometric push-ups, you’ll manage to strengthen the muscles of your upper body. Performing this type of exercise helps develop strength and power in upper body.

It’s also important to note that plyometric push-ups are a good cardio workout that has a positive impact on volleyball player’s endurance. Plyometric push-ups help volleyball players get stronger. So, they can perform well on the court for a long period of time and contribute greatly to the success of a volleyball team.            

Dumbbell Push Presses

Dumbbell push presses is a good exercise to do for volleyball players, who want to increase the explosive power. This exercise helps volleyball players strengthen both their arms and legs. Strong arms and strong legs allow athletes to maximize the explosive power for volleyball and perform on the court in the best possible way.  

Vertical Jumps

A jump is a key element of a volleyball game. The game of volleyball requires frequent jumping. Whether you are trying to block the attack of the opposing team or want to carry out an attack hit, you need to jump vertically.

A volleyball player has to jump many times during the game. Oftentimes, a volleyball player should aim to jump as high as possible. So, it would be great to add vertical jumps to a volleyball training program.

Vertical jumps are the exercise that allows volleyball players to improve explosiveness for volleyball. When jumping, a volleyball player has to make an explosive movement.  

It’s also important to note that the height of a vertical jump depends a lot on explosiveness. Vertical jumps give athletes an opportunity to improve a vertical jump in volleyball. That means that you’ll manage to increase the height of a vertical jump over time if you do vertical jumps regularly.

Sometimes, volleyball players don’t have enough time to train explosiveness in a gym. However, it’s possible to do these types of exercises at home. Keep in mind that you don’t have to attend volleyball classes to train explosiveness. Also, athletes can benefit from the off-season training to improve explosiveness for volleyball.

Final Thoughts

Thank you so much for reading this article. It goes without saying that explosiveness is incredibly important for the sport of volleyball. That’s why every volleyball player should do every single thing possible to increase speed and power and maximize his/her explosiveness.

As you can see, there are many ways to train explosiveness for volleyball. A volleyball player should do the plyometrics to train explosiveness. And of course, this type of training helps volleyball players perform well on the court and achieve the best possible results during the game.

An athlete should get the so-called explosive training for volleyball regularly. But most importantly, you should train explosiveness for volleyball effectively. Workouts for volleyball have to include plyometrics exercises, leg strength training, jump training as well as endurance training.

Volleyball training of this type will help you build explosive power successfully and become a better hitter or a better blocker. Use our tips to get the most out of your training program and improve your explosiveness for volleyball.   Best of luck!

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