Volleyball Arm Swing Drills

It’s important to know that the success of an attack hit in volleyball depends a lot on attacker’s arm swing. In other words, you need to improve your arm swing if you would like to hit the ball harder. That’s the reason why volleyball arm swing drills have to be a key part of a hitter’s training program. In this blog, you’ll find volleyball arm swing drills as well as training tips to help you become a better volleyball attacker.

High Bounce Volleyball Drill

It’s crucial for an attacker to hit the ball at the right time. For this reason, a hitter should work on timing your arm swing. Practicing high bounce volleyball drill has a big positive impact on your arm swing. So, if you do this drill regularly you’ll be able to hit the ball much harder over time. It’s worth noting that this type of a volleyball drill is easy to do. First of all, you need to stand 30 feet from a wall. Now, your task is to throw a ball high in the air. Your goal is to land the ball 10 feet in front of you. Wait until the ball bounces the floor. After that, your job is to take advantage of so called jump-spike approach.

You need to do everything you can to hit the ball when it reaches its highest point in the air. Plus, you should try to hit the ball when your arm is straight. At the next stage, you need to spike the ball off the wall. That’s it. Once a partner (or coach) throws a ball for you – repeat everything once again.

Hard Spiking Volleyball Drill

Actually, this drill is all about practicing hitting off a wall. Initially, you need to stand in front of a wall. The distance between you and the wall has to be approximately 10 feet. Now, you need to spike the ball into the floor. It’s best for you to hit the ball with an open hand and spread-out fingers. Above all, you should try to land the ball near the wall’s base. Finally, the ball hits the floor and then bounces off a wall and goes in the air. So, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to hit the ball into the floor once again.

You need to know that there is another way to practise the hard spiking volleyball dill. Take either a stand or sturdy table and then place it near the net. Make sure that you’ll be able to hit the ball from this position. Your partner (or coach) has to stand near the net. His/her job is to toss the ball to you. And of course, your job is to practise arm swings. Keep in mind that you should try to snap your wrist while practicing your swing. This will help you hit the ball much harder.

Soft Spiking Volleyball Drill

Obviously, you’ll be able to diversify your game if you master a soft dink shot. Without a doubt, practicing soft spiking volleyball drill will contribute greatly to your attacking skills.

First of all, you should stand near the attack line of the court and prepare to carry out an attack hit. Now, a setter should set the ball near the net. Your task is to approach to the net and perform arm swing. Hit the ball with an open hand and firm fingers. You should do your best to slow down swing at the last second. As a result, you’ll be able to snap your wrist slowly. So, the ball is likely to cross the net and land close to the attack line of the court.

It’s a great idea to practise soft spiking volleyball drill with blockers. Obviously, adding blockers to the drill will make it difficult for you to carry out an attack hit. So, you’ll need to hit the ball over blocking hands.

Placement Volleyball Drill

This arm swing drill will help you carry out placing spikes successfully. In fact, the drill is all about practicing hitting deep-angle and deep-line shots. First of all, you need to place flat folding chairs on the court. The distance between chairs and court’s sideline has to be three feet. The distance between chairs and the end line at the right and left back has to be three feet as well.

This drill also requires a partner who will set the balls for you. Your job is to hit the ball into chairs from the left and right sides. While performing this drill you need to focus on practicing a slow arm swing. You should also hit the upper half of the ball.

You should definitely try to diversify this drill. After practicing the drill, you can place chairs behind the attack line and inside each sideline. The distance between chairs and each sideline has to be three feet. It makes sense to practice cut shots during the drill as well. You’ll make it more difficult to do this drill if you choose to add one or several blockers. In this case, you’ll need to hit the ball over the blocking hands and target chairs from different sides.

Consistency is the key to performing this arm swing drill. Bear in mind that if you practice this drill on a regular basis then you’ll be able to improve your arm swing dramatically and hit the ball much harder over time.

Training Tips for Better Arm Swing from Jim Stone

The well-known volleyball coach (former head women’s coach at Ohio State), Jim Stone, is happy to share his insight into the mechanics of a good volleyball arm swing with volleyball attackers. Below, we will bring you training tips for improving arm swing from Jim Stone.

According to Jim Stone’s opinion, the key three ingredients for a good arm swing are: 1) the correct elbow position; 2) the optimal height of the hitting shoulder and the off shoulder; as well as 3) proper positioning of the non-hitting arm.

Jim Stone points out that there is a direct link between throwing mechanics and attacker’s arm swing in volleyball. Jim says “an attack in volleyball is basically throwing action”. He also adds “regardless of the sport, basic throwing mechanics are the same – the elbows drawn back, the upper body is rotated, there is a slight tilt in the shoulders and then elbows are rotated upward and hands are up to the target”.

Above all, Jim Stone pays a close attention the mechanics of one of the world’s top attackers. He also explains to athletes how the world’s top hitters put their upper body into the position to initiate a throwing motion – the elbow of a hitting arm is back, there is a slight tilt in the shoulders with the left shoulder being above the right.

A volleyball player should hit the ball in a jumping motion. Arms should assist volleyball players in jumping motions. Actually, attackers should use both arms to jump. As soon as the right hand gets to the approximate shoulder high, it’s drawn back to initiate a throwing action. While an attacker is in this position in the air, his/her left hand should continue to assist in a jumping motion. As the throwing action proceeds, the left arm and hand will be drawn down to the body middle line. The right elbow needs to be rotated up to the ball. Jim emphasizes the fact that “all of top attackers get themselves into this position”.

Jim points out that when carrying out an attack hit, volleyball players shouldn’t have an elbow above their shoulder. So, there is no tilt between left and right shoulder. Plus, arms are not involved in the body rotation. Obviously, young volleyball attackers should try to avoid these kinds of mistakes.

While highlighting mechanics of a good volleyball arm swing, Jim asks attackers to pay a close attention to a member of Brazil women’s national volleyball team, Jaqueline Carvalho. The reality is Jaqueline Carvalho is one of the leading volleyball attackers in the world. She always carries out attack hits in the best possible way.

Jim Stone asks volleyball coaches to really focus on teaching hitters proper throwing mechanics. Thank you so much for spending time reading our article. Now, you know what drills you should do and what training tips to follow to improve your volleyball arm swing and start hitting the ball harder and more precisely. And of course, we wish you the best of luck!

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