Tips for a Blocker on How to Read the Opponent’s Setter

A blocker is a volleyball player who plays a very important role in the team’s defense. Actually, the blocker is responsible for blocking the attacks of the opponent team. The goal of a blocker is to become an obstacle for the opponent’s attacker. It can be challenging for the opponent’s hitter to carry out an attack hit successfully if a setter does great job. Obviously, a blocker in volleyball should be able to watch the game carefully and prepare for an opponent’s attack in advance. In this blog, we are going to provide blockers with tips for reading the opponent’s setter. Thus, readers will be able to get an understanding of what it takes to be a good blocker after reading the article. Follow our tips and learn how to read the opponent’s setter successfully. By doing this, you’ll be able to take your volleyball blocking skills to the next level.

Why a Blocker Needs to Know How to Read the Opponent’s Setter

It’s widely known that an attack in volleyball sport begins with setting. After a setter sets a ball it’s time for a hitter to carry out an attack hit. And of course, the goal of a blocker is to prevent the opponent’s attacks from happening by blocking the ball. That’s the reason why a blocker must be able to watch the opponent’s setter carefully and make appropriate decisions quickly. When watching the opponent’s setter a blocker definitely needs to pay a close attention to his/her body. Additionally, it’s incredibly important for a blocker to know the setter’s options. If a blocker watches the opponent’s setter carefully then he/she will be able to figure out where the ball will be hit by the opponent’s attacker. Without a doubt, this helps a blocker predict the direction of the ball after the attack hit and block the opponent’s attack successfully.

Pay a Close Attention to the Opponent Setter’s Body

Actually, the opponent setter’s body can tell you a lot about his/her intents. So, a blocker will get an understanding of what a setter is likely to do and where the ball is likely to go after setting. That means that if a blocker knows how to read the opponent setter’s body he/she will be able to predict the game and prepare for the opponent team’s attack successfully.

Obviously, the main task for a blocker is to guess where the ball is likely to go after setting. A blocker needs to pay an attention to how the opponent’s setter deals with the ball. Is the ball in front of the opponent’s setter? If so, the opponent’s hitter is likely to carry out an attack hit behind the opponent’s setter. Is the ball behind the opponent’s setter? If so, the opponent’s hitter may carry out an attack hit in front of the opponent’s setter.

What a Blocker Should Expect from the Opponent’s Setter

As mentioned earlier, it’s incredibly important for a blocker to watch the opponent’s setter carefully during the game. On the other hand, a blocker should keep an eye on the opponent’s front row hitters. As a result, a blocker will know all of the opponent setter’s options. And of course, this will certainly make it much easier for a blocker to read the opponent team’s setter.  Obviously, the opponent’s setter will do his/her best to set the ball to one of his/her front row hitters. That’s why it’s best for a blocker to find the opponent’s front row hitters on the court beforehand. So, it’s best for a blocker to know the initial positions of the opponent’s attackers. After the game begins a blocker should continue watching the opponent’s setter as well as opponent’s front row hitters. If a blocker knows where the opponent’s setter as well as front row hitters are positioned on the court then he/she will certainly find it easy to determine where the ball is going after setting. And of course, analyzing the opponent setter’s body plays a huge role in helping a blocker determine the direction of the ball. As a result, a blocker will be able to realize where the opponent’s attacker is most likely to carry out an attack hit.

A blocker may find it hard to watch the opponent’s setter and the opponent’s front row hitters at the same time. That’s why it’s very important for a blocker to set priorities for himself/herself correctly. If the opponent team is about to set the ball then it’s the right time for a blocker to focus on the opponent’s setter. Therefore, watching the opponent’s setter has to be the number one priority for a blocker. On the other hand, a blocker shouldn’t forget about the opponent’s front row hitter. That means that a blocker should take a quick look at the opponent’s front row hitters from time to time. As a result, a blocker will know where the opponent’s front row hitters are located on the court.

Of course, a blocker will need to switch his/her focus after the opponent’s setter sets the ball toone of opponent’s front row hitters. Now, it’s time for a blocker to watch the opponent’s front row hitter. A blocker should do his/her best to predict where the ball will go after setting and then block the opponent team’s attack successfully.

A blocker should also constantly study the style of the opponent’s setter during the game. By doing this, a blocker will know the setter’s tendencies. The reality is if a blocker knows the opponent setter’s tendencies quite well then he/she will definitely find it easy to realize what the opponent’s setter will choose to do in the future. Finally, a blocker will be able to plan his/her actions accordingly.

Tips to Help a Blocker Prepare for the Opponent’s Team Attack Hit

So, the question is – what a blocker needs to do while watching the opponent’s setter? Now, we’ll give you the correct answer to this important question. Actually, the opponent’s setter needs to take the right position on the court and prepare for the opponent team’s attack hit.

When watching the opponent’s setter a blocker needs to stand with knees slightly bent. Additionally, a blocker should concentrate his weight on his/her toes. Above all, a blocker should keep his/her hands up. When the ball goes from the opponent’s setter to the opponent’s hitter a blocker may also need to start moving across the net in the right direction and change his/her position on the court. Taking the correct blocking position will allow a blocker to react to the opponent setter’s actions easily and quickly. Finally, a blocker will be able to block the opponent’s attack successfully.

A Drill to Help Middle Blockers Read the Opponent’s Setter

Nancy Dorsey is the person who really needs no introduction in the world of volleyball. Today, she works as the head coach at St. James Academy (Kansas). Nancy Dorsey is also well-known for being 2015 AVCA National High School Coach of the Year. She has decided to share her tips for reading the opponent’s setter with middle blockers.

Nancy says that middle blockers obviously need to do a good job when reading the opponent’s setters. She points out that it’s very important for middle blockers to pay a close attention to the hips of the opponent’s setter during the game. By doing so, middle blockers can make it much easier for themselves to read the opponent’s setters. Nancy believes that looking at the hips of the opponent’s setter helps middle blockers see where the ball is going after setting.

Nancy recommends middle blockers to practise the drill for reading the opponent’s setters. Doing this drill on a regular basis helps volleyball players take their blocking skills to the next level. The drill requires a coach, setter, two front row hitters and blocker. A coach, setter as well as two front row hitters should position themselves on one side of the court. A blocker should go to the opposite side of the court.

It’s worth noting that Nancy’s drill for middle blockers is all about reading hips of the opponent’s setter. The drill begins when a coach tosses a ball to a setter who needs to set the ball to one of front row hitters. The job of a middle blocker is to read the hips of the opponent’s setter and guess in which direction the ball is likely to go. After that, a middle blocker needs to move across the net in the right direction, approach to a hitter and jump high to block the attack.

Thank you so much for reading our article. We have just provided volleyball blockers with tips to help them read the opponent’s setter more effectively. Hopefully, following our tips will greatly contribute to your blocking strategy and help you become a better volleyball blocker in the future. As always we wish you the best of luck!

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