Sample Fitness Chart for the 5 Components of Fitness

By Mississauga Volleyball Research Team

Let’s say that you want to track your fitness. If you want to, the chart provided below (first-person) is an example of one you can use to track your levels.The first column has to do with the type of fitness so a component. The five components are flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength and body composition.

Each Part of the Chart Explained

To recap, flexibility  is having the ability to move your joints through a full range of painless motion. Cardiorespiratory endurance is finding out how your body utilizes oxygen during easy or vigorous exercise. Muscular endurance is having the ability to lift weights for a long time without getting fatigued. Muscular strength is similar to muscular endurance because it uses your muscles but in finding out how much/ how heavy you can lift something like weights (kg). Having a good body composition allows your body to move more freely, allowing you to burn off more calories.

The second category is activity. It is pretty self-explanatory because it has to do with what activity you are doing. Since each of the components are very different, there needs to be a different activity for each.

The third category is time which means how long it took you to complete each task. Try not to go over an hour for each since that is overworking yourself. Also, if you do an hour in one component and only ten minutes in the other, then there won’t be a balance.

The fourth category is finding out if you met the goal or not which can be simply answered as a yes or a no.

The final category is a comment which is optional. Writing a small comment can be a record keeper to see how you have progressed throughout.

DAY 1: Saturday

Type Activity Time Met Goal? Comment
Cardio End. 10 minute walk outside. 10   min Yes This was quite simple and I will definitely be able to increase my time tomorrow. Considering it was easy to reach, I obviously met my goal.
Flexibility Stretches I found on google  (created my own list) 12   minutes Yes I was able to meet my goal by the end of the end of the stretch routine I created. My muscles were a little bit tense by the end,  however.
Muscular End. Walked home carrying a couple of groceries. 15 minutes Yes This was probably the most difficult exercise I did all day. The groceries were quite heavy so lifting them back home was a little painful. However, I was able to complete the goal.


14 Wall Push-ups Yes The wall push-ups were a bit easier but my arms were a little tired at the end.


23 mountain

climbers and

14 lunges

Two snacks/


Yes The mountain climbers helped with my core balance. The lunges made it difficult for my legs as well like the squats. I think for the rest of the week I am going to do different exercises.
I ate one packet of oreos today and one popsicles today


Thank you so much for reading this article. We hope that learning this chart will inspire you to work harder. Best of luck!

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